

Hey there, folks! Check out this hot stuff on the保定市半口种植的价目表, fresh from 2024! Curious about how much it costs to get your smile game on point in Baoding? Well, let's dive right in and break it down for you!



1. 保定第二中心医院牙科

Established: 1953

Type: Hospital

2. 保定田侯牙齿美容医院

Established: December 29, 2021

Type: Hospital

3. 定州人民医院牙科

Established: 1948

Type: Hospital

4. 唐县斯迈尔口腔门诊部

Established: 2021

Type: Clinic

5. 保定市竞秀区思美口腔

Established: 2017

Type: Clinic


1. 保定第二中心医院牙科

The hospital aims for "every operation is a masterpiece." They offer invisible aligners from brands like Comfos and Invisalign. Plus, they're a Baoding Medical Research and Training Base.

2. 保定田侯牙齿美容医院

They use top-notch materials and have a dedicated team for each department. The hospital has won numerous awards for their excellent service.

3. 定州人民医院牙科

The hospital focuses on talent development and术后恢复。 They're also a member of several prestigious medical organizations.

4. 唐县斯迈尔口腔门诊部

A modern hospital with a focus on medical, scientific, preventive, rehabilitation, and health care. They have a great reputation and offer top-notch services.

5. 保定市竞秀区思美口腔

They have a great team of doctors and offer a variety of services like dental implants and orthodontics. They've helped thousands achieve their beauty goals.


半口种植: 3464.2~8309.8元

半口种植: 3873.5~7692.5元

立得用半口种植牙: 6909.8~6949.8元

老人半口种植牙: 14014.8~28047元

上半口种植: 19520~22572元

半口种植牙: 13799.7~22340元

半口种植牙马龙桥: 12312~25867元

固定半口种植牙: 1119.6~14783元

瑞士半口种植牙: 11196.3~11891.9元

半口种植牙技术: 1194~2386元

半口种植牙马龙桥修复: 417.5~1510.8元

半口种植牙手术: 1234.4~2402.3元

半口种植马龙桥修复: 405.2~1691.8元

瑞典半口种植牙: 15699.0~17633.7元

半口种植牙修复: 454.3~600.2元

中老年人半口种植牙: 6035.1~12383.7元

半口种植牙术: 665.8~2092元

locator半口种植: 1754.6~2468.5元

半口种植牙套餐: 1976.3~3143.6元

半口种植覆盖义齿: 422.0~1773.8元

半口种植牙牙冠: 1091.6~2708.4元

So there you have it, the latest and greatest on Baoding's half-mouth implant prices. If you're keen on learning more or booking an appointment, hit up the customer service below!

立即咨询客服 预约医院专家


本文链接为: https://ruchuai.com/news/429455.html

上一篇:佳木斯韩艺来美容医院整形费用一览及玻尿酸隆鼻实例展示 下一篇:保定口腔医院补牙手术口碑前十,切开牙龈治疗医院排行榜

